Hello Hunters,
Two posts in two days. Say What?! I am back with another book review, which I am really excited about. Wicked King has hit the shelves earlier this year, but the cover was being teased for almost a year, along with pre-release review copies. I was very lucky to get my hands on this beauty only 6 days after the release date. So let's go through the motions.
We are looking at a simple design of a crown being splashed into the water. Now why it was chosen is quite obvious. Crown is the obvious struggle for a rule from now king Cardan. Water that it drops in is the obviously the kingdom of Undersea.
We are now introduced with the true powers of the king, and how these powers affect the world. On top, we get to experience more and more of the castle. Especially certain secret gardens.
I find that the world was expanded by the fact that we got to experience Undersea. I do not want to spoil too much, but the way Cardan could influence earth there, I wonder if the queen could not retort with the moisture in all of the bodies. Just a thought.
This book took it one step further from the Cruel Prince and created a good struggle for power. Things seemed to be very fluid and natural. I enjoyed how fragile the power was, and everybody had their own agendas. Basically, as a reader I had to be on my toes, looking out for what is going on in the story and who will stab whose back.
Final Thoughts:
I loved the overspill of fire between Cardan and Jude. That moment was simply in your face. Like with the first book, you had a suspicion, but you didn't really know until it hit your face with it. This time their passionate act was a diffusion, making me beg for more. I guess Black wants her readers groveling at her feet.
My only problem was with the banishment of Jude. I guess Black has something hot in her mind for us to compensate for this. Naturally, we have to wait a year for the next book. I personally cannot wait, jumping from one novel to another. Fairy books were not my thing since high school, but with the Court of Thorns and Roses putting me into a mood, I guess I am susceptible to these bad boys.
Regina Hunter
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